The Cleaner, the Dryer, the Better!When you deal with raw milk, a living product, filled with millions of good bacteria and enzymes, but also considered a high-risk food by...
Gotta stick with the rules:)Rules, Rules, Rules for raw milk suppliers like us... But it's OK, we have got it under control... In accordance with the Ministry of...
Cheese Makers & Bulk Buyers $1 SPECIALPLEASE NOTE THAT THIS OFFER IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE! Attention Cheese Makers and Bulk Buyers: Get your pails/buckets (NO Bottles!) and buy...
Raw Milk back HomeWith the renovations of our milk vending shed almost finished, it was time to get our Lady 'Brunimat' back to her old but improved home....
Machine is Up & Running again :)We are very happy to announce that after a very stressful day, our vandalised machine is fixed and ready to give you milk! Thanks to the...
Machine Break InWe are sorry to report that we had an attempted break in at our vending machine happening last night (Sunday, 14th May). While no money...