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Milk Vending

Dear Customers,

We were able to fast-track our efforts in reopening the vending shed. Milk will finally be available again tomorrow, MONDAY, 23rd January, 12pm lunchtime. (The milk vending shed will, however, be closed Wednesday, 25th January because of a planned power outage.)

Thank you so much for your patience. The last couple of months have been a wild ride, and we could not have done it without your ongoing support.

Please know that we are doing our utmost best to provide raw milk to all of you every single day. It is the nature of the beast, however, that closures are possible scenarios despite our best efforts.

Raw milk regulations are incredibly prohibitive in New Zealand and do not allow for deviation from microorganism counts, standard equipment or procedures. This is fantastic news insofar as we can say that we truly sell the most high-quality fresh milk there is. However, this also means that closures are sometimes inevitable because neither we nor our cows or machines are completely fault-proof.

So, here is to awesome raw milk and also to your patience when things go awry.

Thank You, The Farm Team

Get raw Riverside Milk


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