Milk Vending during Level 2
Our new normal in Covid-19 alert level 2 will bring back self-vending for all our customers, albeit with some new rules reflecting government guidelines.
Here the relevant changes (compared to business as usual before Covid-19)
1. Do not enter the milk vending shed if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. Stay at home, contact your GP or Healthline.
2. Please thoroughly wash and dry your hands at the outside sink or disinfect your hands with the supplied sanitiser BEFORE you enter the shed.
3. Please only enter the shed one at a time. Do wait in or near your car until it is your turn to enter the shed. Physical distancing of 2 meters between yourself and the next customer applies at all times.
4. Please fill out the supplied milk sales sheet (red folder on table) and if you haven't done so already, the customer registration form also (blue folder). This will allow us to not only contact you if our milk supply has a hiccup but also to trace any potential contacts between customers in case of a Covid-19 infection among us.
5. Overall, please be mindful of one another and how your cleaning and hygiene practices during milk vending may impact on the next few customers.
All support towards keeping everyone safe and sticking to the rules is hugely appreciated by our milk team and we thank you and your family in advance.
Take Care and perhaps see you down at the milk vending shed very soon
Daisy on behalf of Riverside Milk.